SDLC (Software delevopment life cycle)

The Seven Stages of SDLC
Stage Actions Taken Questions To Ask Who acts on this Result Product
Requirment Collection & Analysis Checking A New Idea/Taking Requiremnts from clients ??? Product Owner,Business Analyst Business Requirement Specification
Feasibility Study & Planning Checking if the Product be realised,With current Timeframe,Resources and Tools What/How/When to do and who does what? Business Analyst,Project Manager, Chief Technology Officer Software Requirement Specification
Design Planning the Product' design How it will work, UX/UI wise? Soft/Hardware wise? Coding Wise? CTO, System Architext, UX/UI Designer Design Document Specification, High/Low Level Design
Development & Coding Writing the Code according to requirment documents ??? Developers (Front/Back end),Database Admin Coded Product, Ready for testin
Testing Test the Product according to requirements documents, reporting bugs, and check if they were fixed how should the STP/STD be made? All Testing Personal (Including QA) Software Test Report,Verdict if the Product can be deployed.
Deployment Deploy the Product on user's systems (On-Premise or as a service) How and what version should be deployed? DevOps,DBA Working, Deployed Product, A User's Guide for the product
Maintainece Support Product user with How can we support people that use the product Support Personal Agrrement Document,Service Level Agreement

Test Types

Code Relationship Types
Black Box TestingTest the Output in relationship to output
White Box Testing Test the whole Process (where the code goes and does, what parts are used, etc.)
Static Testing Testing without activating the product, but by looking at it's design and looking for flaws
Dynamic Testing Testing by using the product
Levels of Testing
Unit Testing Test a single componet (Like a page, a database, a function)
Integration Testing Test multiple componet and how they act together
System Testing Test the whole product and all the ecountered "Paths"
Acceptance Testing Give the product to "Edge users" to receive feedback
Intention Types
Smoke/Sanity testing Test if the product works by design
Regression testing Test if upgrading/changing the product caused new problems
Explatory testing Test whatever, away from STD design,should only be done with famillity with the product
Case Types
Test type Summary Dumbed up Generalized Version
Functional Test Test if the product does what it's desgined to Thing works according to plan
GUI Test Test if all the GUI componets are ordered and work as intended Interacting with things works right
Usability test Test if the product is easy for users to adapt and use User Expirence is good
Compatibility Test Check if the product works correctly under different evoiments (OS,Browsers, etc.) The Thing works good regardless of its surroundings
Interface Test Test if the product can correctly interact with the reuiqred external Interfaces (from extneral server to camera/microphone) The thing can interact with other things right
Accessibility Test Test if the product is usable regardless of user disability The thing can be used by the disabled
Localization Test Test if the product can align to the social evoiment of the user (Timezones,languages,religon and holiday, etc.) The thing regards a user's preference
Survival & Recovery test Test the product actions and backup when a critcal flaw happens to it (backup of data/user interaction) The thing can survive and recover damages
Performance Test Test the product's performance speed when in multiple cases (many users,many actions done, etc.) The thing is doing stuff ASAP
Security Test Test the actions done when somethings tries to brench user security The thing is secure
Load/Stress Test Test the upper limits of the system capablitles (max storage, max users, etc.) The thing can withstand extreme situations

How to QA a feature/product

How to Go for a Test